Get Creative Cards
Apply divergent or convergent thinking
Understand when to expand and explore (divergent thinking) and when to narrow down and make decisions (convergent thinking).
Unravel the Mystery
Build passion and knowledge by treating it like a mystery. Be an objective observer, follow each new clue to the next, and expect surprises.
Discover your APEX
Your Unique, Winning Set: Abilities, Principles, and EXperience
Invest in your hobbies
By boosting confidence, self-expression, new relationships, and a sense of purpose, hobbies encourage you to take risks, adapt to feedback, accept new ideas, and bounce back after failure.
Type-casting Innovation: Matching Risk with Strategy
Discern the type of innovation needed and how to prepare for the jump
Rescaling: Evolution before Expansion
For success and sustainability, rescaling is about carefully evolving and adapting ideas, not just making them bigger.
Idea Risk Review
Turn your SWOT Analysis into an Idea Risk Review
Take a break on something unrelated
Breaks improve chances for an aha moment
Lateral Thinking Puzzles
Lateral thinking puzzles are a playful exercise for challenging limitations and entering blue-sky thinking.
Finding Confidence through Guided Mastery
Take progressive steps toward proficiency to increase your sense of competence, combat anxiety, and build the confidence to face creative challenges.
The Power of Learning Goals for Creative Problem-Solving
Learning goals focus on mastering, enhancing problem-solving and resilience.
Let rejection fuel creativity
Reflect on how rejection reaffirm your uniqueness
3 tips for brighter retrospectives that learn from failure and make it safe to innovate
Encourage experimentation by applying insights, avoiding blame, and praising the biggest lessons
Nature immersion
Nature might offer relevant analogies and can restore your concentration.
Curing the Yips: Exchanging Perfectionism for Gratitude
Embrace the wisdom of sports coaches by responding to down days with gratitude rather than perfectionism.
Get it wrong, on purpose
Reverse your goal to inspire bolder and more empathetic solutions
WordTrees & Analogies
To facilitate analogous thinking with the Wordtree method, combine brainstorming and tools like WordNet to find related concepts and delve into them.
Find Success Daily
Set and celebrate daily achievable goals to deepen concentration, stir the imagination, and reduce the numbing effects of insecurity and apathy.
The Evidence Board
Map your “evidence” (notes, to-dos, sketches…) to find patterns, track your progress, and reveal gaps.
Resource Budget Exercise
Explore priority, practicality, and interdependence for strategic decisions
Channeling Pessimism: The Value of Expecting the Worst
When an idea triggers skepticism or anxiety, reflect on its weaknesses to increase interest and bring on constructive problem-solving.
Transect Walk: Exploring Environments for Innovative Solutions
In a Transect Walk, you pass through an environment to explore its resources, conditions, and systems.
Boss for a day and other Job Swaps
Job swaps shed light on blind spots — for leaders and employees.
Movements and Postures, Metaphorically Speaking
Embodying creativity metaphors like “thinking fluidly,” “being open,” and “putting two and two together” can actualize creative mental states.
Embracing the Growth Process
Approach projects with patience and perseverance, embracing the reality that game-changing ideas require long development periods.
Role Playing and Investigative Rehearsals for Creative Exploration
Walking through a script with a key stakeholder or asking someone to play their role will offer insights, empathy, and perspective
Believe that They Believe In You
When we keep reminders of how others have backed, valued and believed in us, we’re more likely to take creative risks.
Discover cards for
Ignite your imagination
Inspired Teams
Energize group brainstorms
Inspirational Governance
Magnify collective talent