Find Success Daily | Feeling successful deepens concentration and opens you up to imaginative thinking while reducing the numbing effect of insecurity and apathy. Establish a practice of celebrating success each day. Ask yourself, "What do I need to do today to feel successful?" This can be related to a creative project or a different aim. Achieving an intention will improve your focus, elevate your emotional state, and provide a sense of accomplishment. Reflect on your progress during the day and across days. Even when goals are missed, they can be opportunities for learning and growth, which also stimulate creativity. | Personalize success Define your own terms. Success could be related to work, quality time with friends, or self-care. | Keep it achievable Consider the size and number of your goals. Break big projects into smaller, manageable missions. | Track and celebrate progress Acknowledge each win, no matter how small, with a break, treat, or moment of gratitude.

Find Success Daily

Feeling successful deepens concentration and opens you up to imaginative thinking while reducing the numbing effects of insecurity and apathy.

Establish a practice of celebrating success each day. Ask yourself, “What do I need to do today to feel successful?” This can be related to a creative project or a different aim. Achieving an intention will improve your focus, elevate your emotional state, and provide a sense of accomplishment. Reflect on your progress during the day and across days. Even when goals are missed, they can be opportunities for learning and growth, which also stimulate creativity.

  1. Personalize what ‘success’ means to you: What is important for today will vary by what you’re working on and what’s urgent at the moment. Success might be completing a difficult task at work, getting through a to-do list, spending quality time with loved ones, or even just taking time for self-care. Define your own terms of success.
  2. Keep it achievable: Over-ambitious goals can lead to feelings of disappointment if they aren’t met. Consider the size and number of your goals: you might choose one large thing, three medium things, or six small things. If you are tackling a big task that will take longer than one day, break it down into smaller, manageable steps. This makes the task feel less overwhelming and you can celebrate each small win as you go along.
  3. Track and celebrate your progress: As you complete each task, tick it off your list. This gives a sense of achievement and progress, encouraging you to keep going. Take time to celebrate your wins, no matter how small they are. This could be a quick break, a treat, or even just a moment of acknowledgment and gratitude.

While basing a creative journey on meeting a performance goal can stifle learning, we need to celebrate progress within one of our ambitions to stay motivated. Whether your achievement is related to your creative project or another mission, use these celebrations to remind you of your power and possibility.

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