How to turn your SWOT ANALYSIS into a RISK REVIEW Strengths & Weaknesses: How adaptable can you be to challenges? Strengths & Opportunities: What do you have to lose? Opportunities & Threats: How might the effects interact? Threats & Weaknesses: Can you afford not to?

Idea Risk Review

Use a SWOT Analysis to understand the factors that contribute to your situation. What are your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats? Strengths and Weaknesses are internal, while Opportunities and Threats are external. Strengths and Opportunities are helpful factors, while Weaknesses and Threats may be harmful to your goals.

Now us this information to review the risks of a new idea.

Strengths & Weaknesses: How adaptable can you be to the expected challenges?

Strengths & Opportunities: What do you have to lose (your assets and the opportunity costs)?

Opportunities & Threats: How might the effects interact or domino?

Threats & Weaknesses: Can you afford not to? What happens if you do nothing?

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