Use lateral thinking puzzles like these as a playful exercise to challenge your mental models and enter blue-sky or divergent thinking. As you solve them, make parallels with your creative projects. How did you find or miss an obscure connection that could reveal the answer? What beliefs or perceived limitations could be holding you back? What unconventional angle or approach led you or could have led you to the answer? There are a dozen eggs in a carton. Twelve people each take a single egg, but there is one egg left in the carton. How? Three kids enter a room, but only two walk out. The room is empty. Where is the third kid? A man who lives in a 30-story building decides to jump out of his window. He survives the fall with no injuries. How did that happen?

Lateral Thinking Puzzles

Lateral thinking puzzles stimulate creativity and encourage out-of-the-box thinking. Try using lateral puzzles as an exercise to enter divergent thinking or to recognize imaginary constraints that are holding you back from a breakthrough.

The reason lateral puzzles are difficult is because your mind naturally filters out or disregards the possibilities you need to consider to process the answer. Our mental models are useful in making quick decisions, but they also stifle our imagination and hide novel paths forward. These puzzles train us to step beyond these mental models and activate our imagination by:

  • Challenging limiting narratives and assumptions,
  • Connecting seemingly unrelated pieces of information, and
  • Approaching problems from a variety of different angles.

As you solve a puzzle, try to make parallels with other creative projects. How did you find or miss an obscure connection that could reveal the answer? What beliefs or perceived limitations could be holding you back? Many lateral thinking puzzles have context clues hidden in their language — words that could point you in the right direction or that are deliberating playing off your assumptions and misleading you. What context clues are hiding in your own projects?

Don’t forget to have fun! Solving puzzles incorporates play into creative rejuvenation. Making this an enjoyable and entertaining activity will help you to enter your next brainstorming session engaged and serene.

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