Believe that They Believe in You | When we feel valued and respected, we are less afraid of failure and judgment and more likely to take creative risks. Knowing that others believe in our abilities boosts our confidence, motivating us to trust and develop our ideas, even when that requires getting critiques and collaborating on them. Ask those who have trusted you for feedback. Keep testaments of their support and belief visible. Whether an award, a supportive comment, a complimentary email, or even a kind text message, use these reminders to cultivate confidence. Yet avoid seeking validation from every source. While some will acknowledge your abilities, others may intend to tear you down. | | Remember your Backers | Display their encouragement

Believe that They Believe In You

Feeling supported and believed in can significantly enhance creativity. When we feel valued and respected, we are less afraid of failure and judgment and more likely to take creative risks. Knowing that others believe in our abilities boosts our confidence, motivating us to trust and develop our ideas, even when that requires getting critiques and collaborating on them.

Remember your backers. Who are the people, groups, and organizations who have trusted you and expressed belief in what you can do?

Seek feedback. Ask people who are invested in your success for a reaction to your work. Pay attention to their honest critique but also their validation of your abilities.

Display their encouragement. This could be an award, a supportive comment, a complimentary email, or a kind text message that reminds you of their support and belief.

Use these reminders to remember what you have to offer and cultivate confidence in your new conceptions. But avoid seeking validation from every source. While many will acknowledge your abilities, others may intend to tear you down.

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